Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Walking through the streets of time. Pompeii built over 2,ooo years ago. Engulfed in 79 AD by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Vesuvius rained down a hail of small red hot stones. Killer clouds of superheated gas and ash plunged down upon the town.

The clouds of gas were said to be 900*F. Within 19 hours it was over. Pompeii was buried under 9 feet of ash and remained undisturbed for 1,700 years.

Stones Pompeians would step on to avoid the water as they crossed the street. The stones are basalt. Pompeii was a Roman town of 20,000.

On the perimeter of the grounds were the rooms of the gladiators. You can see the doorway to their rooms between the columns.

Ancient "big foot" sighting.

Marvelous view where the gladiators trained for their "life or death" sport.